President's Update: BOD voting, Year-End awards, #ForCalvin & Winter!
Hey peeps!
Who here hasn't heard about Shalane Flanagan winning the New York City Marathon in a time of 2:26:53. The first American woman victorious in exactly 40 years. Congratulations and mighty impressive!
It was great to see a few SCTA folks in Nisene this morning! With the winter months quickly approaching and the accompanying weather already here, remember to bundle up and stay safe out there!
Most importantly, don't take any prisoners!

Team Time Trials:
We had a great turnout at our first time trial event, the 10k/5k Run Series! This coming Saturday is the next, the Strawberry Time Trial (formerly known as Trafton Road). We have done these in the past and now that the signs are permanent we now have a consistent time trial course. One loop is 6 miles and two is 12, your choice.
Again, the purpose of these is to track your times from quarter to quarter to see how you're progressing, how your heart rate reacts to surges, proper warm up prior to a strong run/ride. We are really excited to present this series moving forward!

Morro Bay Triathlon:
Congratulations to everybody that raced the Morro Bay Triathlon this morning! Looks like the weather held, the smiles were out, major wattage was produced and we even had a SUP'er!
Turkey Trot:
The Santa Cruz Track Club has graciously extended a discount code (check the Facebook page) for their Turkey Trot on Nov. 18! Super nice of the club and ensure you thank Diane Delucchi when you see her at the race. What better way to start off your holiday just before Thanksgiving than by running a 10k/5k here in town with some of your best friends! Get in that run before you stuff your face!
Nick Moless, SCTA hired analyst, did some data scrubbing on the results of 2016 and what he found is astonishing!
2016 5k runners - 114
2016 10k runners - 74
That's 120 podium spots for 188 runners.
So show up and claim your podium spot!!
Spread the word! Do you know anyone interested in triathlon? Make sure you chat about how amazing the Nu2Tri program is, how friendly our club is and how much fun we have! Kickoff meeting on January 22nd @ Spokesman Bicycles. Email with ANY questions!
- 12/14 - Thursday night spin picks back up @ Spokesman Bicycles. Ready to "roll" @ 6:30pm.
- 12/16 - End of the Year Banquet (Party!). Members free ($20 for non-members) @ The Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab.
- 01/22 - Nu2Tri Kickoff Meeting!
Looking for help:
We are looking to update our pop-up tent and banners. These are both quite expensive undertakings so before we head out to make this purchase, we wanted to reach out to the club to see if anyone has any connections or wants to sponsor. Great way to display your logo as well as fly the SCTA logo/colors.
Speaking of looking for help, we will be sending out the voting for the Board of Directors here shortly. Anyone can run and we're really interested in individuals that want to help steer the positive direction of SCTA!
Year-End Awards:
Below are the categories that we'll be awarding at the Year-End bash. Please start thinking about who fits each of these so when the voting comes out we get a significant amount of votes!
Rookies of the Year (male/female)
--A first-year club member who's just rocking it
Triathlete of the Year (male/female)
--The best triathlete you can think of
Spirit of SCTA Award
--The person who embodies the spirit and mission of the club to be an outstanding athlete.
Most Inspiring
--The people who you want to be in the future.
Most Improved
--Someone who's made a leap from the beginning of the year to now
The Elmo Award
-- Who is the most friendly and cuddly club member? Someone who's been there to support you during tough rides and long runs. A teammate that's encouraged you to push through the worst parts of the year.
The Oscar the Grouch Award
--Who complains the most (but maybe has a heart of gold)?
--Who do you roll your eyes at (but really thinks needs a hug)?
Most Competitive
--This speaks for itself.
The Little Engine That Could Award
--This is an award for the teammate that had a bad race but pulled through some way, some how. Did they pull out to race faster on another race? Did they have a really bad malfunctioned but gritted their teeth to finish the race?
The Best Legs Award
--Oooo la la. These are the legs that can power a generator for days.
Beer 30 MVP
--The person most likely to been seen with a cold glass clutched in their hands after a workout or race.
If you have any questions about these categories, ask the man himself! #ForCalvin

Tip from the President:
Where do you get your triathlon updates? I check Slowtwitch on a daily basis for race results, updates on races/athletes/triathlon in general and also their forum which is incredibly useful! Also, Slowtwitch just purchased after their bankruptcy. Looking forward to see what will happen with that in the next few months. Should be interesting!
Steve Doinidis