President's Update: W2W, Donner Lake, upcoming races and that feeling of "newness".

Hey multisport athletes,
Another beautiful couple weeks up here in Northern California and Sunday morning proved to be a perfect day for racing. Overcast, high 50's, low 60's, a bit of mist on your drive/ride/run/walk over to the Wharf 2 Wharf starting corral. I am amazed by the amount of SCTA representation we all came out with...and all #ForCalvin
Congratulations to everyone that ran W2W!
Congratulations to Mollie & Jackie at Donner Lake Triathlon! What an absolutely EPIC day! A bucket list race for sure.
Thank you to everyone that showed up to Jenna's house for the garage sale. Almost $700 was donated and those numbers are still rising. Way to go!
This upcoming weekend holds one of many HUGE race weekends for the club. We have athletes heading up to Ironman Canada (Peter Taylor, Deanne Ortiz McLendon, Jon Erskine [70.3]) and then some athletes heading into the boiler at Ironman Santa Rosa (Roxanne Beltra, Nick Moless, Crystal DeClercq, Darren Mora, Steve Doinidis).
From all of us that are racing this weekend, we want to thank each and everyone that's part of the Santa Cruz Triathlon Association for training with us, giving us positive energy and helping us along the way. We will all rock the SCTA "onesie" this weekend with pride!
The speedos are in!!!!! There may be a small issue with the image so we aren't opening it up to orders just yet, but we will have it dialed in by the next blog post. Thank you for your patience.
Lastly, I want to everyone to think back to their first triathlon ever. Some had theirs this weekend @ Donner Lake, some had theirs at Wildflower, Tri Santa Cruz, the Santa Cruz Triathlon, Pacific Grove. Think back upon how you felt before the race started. About how your legs felt for the first time running off the bike in a race setting.
Think about how much you thought you knew yet how little you actually knew about our amazing sport.
I think of my first race quite often...laughing to myself at the things that I did.
Don't forget that we participate in this sport for a plethora of reasons from health, competition, losing a bet, to look better, to feel better, to get back in shape, to get back into those jeans from high school, to overcome fear and to me, most importantly, to laugh at myself.

Coming out of the swim. A 500-yd swim took me 19 minutes. I don't think I put my head in the water once.

Look at that aero position! Mountain Bike time!!

Those Nike shoes look good! A Tough Mudder headband because I thought I was tough!
Steve Doinidis