Our Nu2Tri Program will prepare you for your first triathlon in just 12 weeks!
Whether you’re new to the sport or need a refresher course in swimming, biking, or running, you need to register for our awesome coached program! The 2025 Nu2Tri program is set to kick off in the beginning of 2025. If you're interested in getting to know SCTA between now and then, feel free to reach out and try a track workout
You don't have to have done a triathlon to be part of the club!​
Don't miss our kickoff event for the program on Feb. 2, 2025 at Bicycle Trip.
What is Nu2Tri?
Nu2Tri is a progressive sequence of coached instruction and workouts that build from February to April. We start with an easy group bike workout and finish with a graduation sprint triathlon! Along the way, you’ll gain skills in swimming, cycling, and running that you need to complete the triathlon distance of your choice.
Coaching sessions and clinics will provide skill instruction and advice for all levels, not just beginner levels, as we recognize that each new athlete comes to the program with different strengths and experiences.
The Nu2Tri Program includes three months of coached instruction plus annual SCTA membership!
Cost for Nu2Tri 2025 is $240.00.
Time Commitment
The more time you can commit to our program, the more you will get out of it. We typically have workouts on weekend mornings, and several weeknights per week, as well as offering specialty clinics several times a month. Our clinics include: bricks (swim-bike and bike-run workouts), pool and open-water swim instruction, nutrition, transition practice (how you manage all of your different sport gear during a triathlon race), and more!
Most workouts/clinics for the 2025 program are posted on the club calendar, but the basic schedule is as follows:
Weeknights start at 6/6:30pm, Weekends start at 8:30am
Mondays: HIIT/Strength
Tuesdays: Track
Wednesdays: Occasional social/informational clinics
Thursdays: Bike spin/hill repeats
Fridays: Swim workouts at Simpkins (need to pay)
Weekends: Group rides/runs, clinics such as swimming, bricks, etc
Basic Skill Levels and Equipment Requirements
Know how to swim, or be in the process of taking lessons. (We can refer you to great local swim instructors)
Have a swimsuit, cap, and goggles.
Have a bike + helmet that you can use every weekend.
Be prepared to run or run/walk.
More on Gear Requirements
If you do not already have a road bike (different from a mountain or beach cruiser bike), we do not advise that you buy one prior to the start of the program. We will discuss bike purchasing at the Information Session as well as in the week leading up to the program start. If you don't have your own (or can't find a bike to borrow from a friend/family member), we are usually able to find loaner bikes from club members for you to borrow until you are able to find a bike. We want to make sure that you are on the best bike for your needs.
Wetsuits are optional and can be borrowed or rented. Our first Open Water Swim clinic does not happen until after Daylight Savings so you'll have plenty of time to discuss your options.
We also collect workout clothes and gear donations from members at the beginning of the year so that will hopefully help you get up and running!
Questions about gear? Just email the Nu2Tri coordinators scta.nu2tri@gmail.com and we’ll help you get what you need.
Orientation Meeting
We will hold an informational meeting for Nu2Tri in February 2025. We will send an email with meeting details after the first of the year.
We hold a kickoff meeting in February to introduce you to Santa Cruz Triathlon Association and the Nu2Tri program. Nu2Tri calendars will be issued at the meeting and we’ll describe what can be expected in the upcoming months. Our discussion will include clinics, training schedules, equipment and graduation.
Registration can be done on-line on our membership registration page.
After the meeting, Nu2Tri participants will receive weekly updates and information pertaining to the program and participants will be assigned a mentor for the duration of the program.
For any questions, please email the Nu2Tri coordinators at scta.nu2tri@gmail.com